South East Technological University
探索 SETU:通向全球成功的大门
踏上东南科技大学 (SETU) 的变革之旅,这是一所位于爱尔兰东南部的现代欧洲大学,爱尔兰以其充满活力的经济和全球影响力而闻名。在 SETU,我们体现了爱尔兰的前瞻性精神,为您在世界上最热情好客的国家之一的未来提供起点。 (SETU 是一个区域性强校,校区遍布东南部,国际学生在我们的卡洛、沃特福德和韦克斯福德校区学习。SETU 在高等教育、研究、创新和协作方面拥有半个多世纪的经验,培养了一个由 18,000 多名学生组成的蓬勃发展的社区,并由 1,500 多名员工组成的专业团队提供支持。我们的愿景是在未来十年进一步扩大我们的覆盖范围和影响力。
SETU 的研究实力在爱尔兰和全球都得到认可,为未来的发展奠定了坚实的基础。我们致力于让学生掌握在竞争激烈的就业市场中脱颖而出所需的技能。国际学生可以从各种以职业为重点的课程中进行选择,这些课程提供本科、研究生和预科资格。
SETU 提供一系列服务和设施,从学术支持到娱乐设施。我们的大学是活动中心,拥有众多俱乐部和社团,并因其在竞技体育方面的卓越表现而闻名。
我们的卡洛校区距都柏林 85 公里,距都柏林机场 97 公里,周围环绕着典型的爱尔兰乡村,有山路、森林和古老的修道院遗址。
沃特福德校区距都柏林 170 公里,距都柏林机场 177 公里,坐落在爱尔兰最古老的城市,完美地融合了新旧元素,是一座充满活力的城市,拥有值得探索的历史街道。
在 SETU,我们营造包容的校园环境,让学生在取得学业成就的同时结下终生友谊。对于那些渴望在商业、法律、人文、科学、体育或工程等领域取得成功的人们来说,这是一段激动人心的旅程的开始。
国际学生可以从多种课程中进行选择,包括基础课程、本科课程和研究生课程。SETU 提供课程并开展广泛学科领域的研究,包括:
- 农业、园艺和林业
- 建筑
- 艺术与社会科学
- 建设环境
- 商业
- 计算
- 早期教育
- 工程
- 酒店、旅游和烹饪艺术
- 法
- 媒体、设计和音乐
- 科学
- 体育管理
- 体育科学
国际学生可以报读我们的证书课程“高等教育准备”。该课程为学生提供高等教育所需的基本知识和技能。学生将接受英语语言培训,以及数学、IT 和他们感兴趣的领域的教育。可用的模块包括:
- 专业交流英语
- 信息技术
- 学习学习
- 数学入门
- 管理
- 工程科学
- 计算机系统
我们拥有一支专门的国际团队,随时准备为国际学生提供支持。年初,国际学生将参加入学指导计划。这是结识其他国际学生并了解 SETU 提供的专门支持的绝佳机会。
There are many facilities across the SETU campuses that learners can take advantage of during and outside of their studies. This includes a Computing & Learning Resource Centre, multi-media centre, TV studio, radio studio, free internet access, studios and labs, product design suite, games development suite, bank, restaurants, newsagent, cafes and parking.
Part of the Learning Resource Centre, the library is a central location on campus. It provides the best material to support learning and teaching. It’s home to extensive collections of books, reports, papers, theses, official publications, newspapers, audio-visual resources, journals, e-books and much more. There are study desks throughout the building, as well as computers, photocopiers and printing facilities.
SETU campuses offer a wealth of facilities that students can utilise during and outside their studies. These include a Computing & Learning Resource Centre, multi-media centre, TV studio, radio studio, free internet access, studios and labs, product design suite, games development suite, bank, restaurants, newsagent, cafes, and parking.
Our library, part of the Learning Resource Centre, is a central hub on campus. It houses extensive collections of books, reports, papers, theses, official publications, newspapers, audio-visual resources, journals, e-books, and much more. The library also provides study desks, computers, photocopiers, and printing facilities.
Student Support
At SETU, we have robust support systems in place to ensure your success and well-being. Our commitment to your holistic development extends to a range of student support services designed to cater to your needs. Our Student Services team provides a variety of activities and services to ensure all students have a safe and enjoyable educational experience. Support services include:
- Careers Service - Assisting you in exploring your options, developing your employability skills, making successful applications, and providing information on employment, training, and further learning options
- Accommodation - Providing advice on finding student housing and support with any related issues
- Health/Medical Centre - Offering full medical services from nurses and visiting doctors
- Meditation Room/Chaplaincy - Offering spiritual guidance and support, with a multi-faith room
- Access Office - Catering to disabled students, mature students, and those with financial issues
- Counselling Service - Providing professional, free, and confidential support for any personal problems
- Games Area and Students’ Union - Representing the student voice, and providing a space where students can relax or have fun in between classes
- Carlow
Kilkenny Rd, Carlow, Ireland, R93 V960, Carlow
- Waterford
South East Technological University Cork Rd, Waterford, X91 K0EK, Waterford